Here you will find resources related to mediation. We are here to
help so please reach out to us and we will help wherever we can!
Please contact Susan Wolfgram at or using the contact submission below.
Eviction is a traumatizing and destabilizing event that can put families on a path to financial, health, and social challenges--a path of housing insecurity. After an eviction, families often struggle to find quality housing and may end up in a less safe neighborhood with fewer opportunities.
We see this in our community, examples like families living at the Regency Hotel and up until recently, the Maple’s Mobile Home Park-- most having one or multiple evictions that trapped them.
Parents may lose their jobs because of the instability that evictions create and have difficulty finding a new one, further worsening the crisis. Children can be forced to move to new schools or experience other educational disruptions which in turn can negatively affect their achievement.
Evictions impact all of us, an entire community, by destabilizing neighborhoods. Therefore, intervening before an eviction crisis occurs is key for reducing the hardships that families face, and mediation has been an important tool for empowering better outcomes.
The Urban Institute wrote about this in April 2020 as a cutting edge approach to prevent evictions. This is the approach that is at the core of our EC-TLRC, early intervention before an eviction is filed in court, “Getting landlords and tenants in the room to talk”.
The Eau Claire County Bar’s Free Legal Clinic is offered on the third Wednesday of every month at the library from 5:30-7:00 p.m. Please arrive early to ensure your spot. If you have any questions, please contact Information & Reference staff at 715-839-5004.
Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinics
The Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinics (MVLC) provide free brief legal advice and referral services. The clinics are staffed by volunteer law students and attorneys. Download the flyer for the clinic serving rural Wisconsinites (Northern, Central, and Western Wisconsin) which details how to make an appointment. The clinics cannot assist with employment discrimination and criminal law matters.
Free or low-cost legal assistance for those that meet the eligibility requirements. Toll free telephone assistance available by calling (800) 472-1638.
A free website for low-income people who cannot afford a lawyer. You can use this site to get free brief legal advice from volunteer lawyers when you have non-criminal legal questions. You will receive an email notification when a lawyer responds to your question on the website. Click the orange “Get Started” button to begin the process.
I Need a Lawyer! – State Bar of Wisconsin
If you need help with a legal issue, the State Bar of Wisconsin’s Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) is a good place to start. You can search for an attorney through our website, or you can speak to a legal assistant by calling (800) 362-9082.
The EC-TLRC provides mediation service. We recruit and train volunteers with the skills to mediate disputes between tenants and landlords in a fair and just manner. If you believe you have what it takes to become a mediator, please contact us and we'll put you on the list for our first training.
If you are a tenant or a landlord who want help resolving a dispute, there are a few resources in our area.
Mediate Wisconsin | Eviction Mediation for Renters and Landlords in Milwaukee
TRY Mediation (for court ordered mediation)
Eau Claire County Bar Association (Free Legal Clinic)
Tenant Resource Center mediation explanation.
Association for Conflict Resolution--Wisconsin Chapter